KVM Distribution since 1984 :: Lowest Prices guaranteed :: Corporate accounts opened within hours :: UK Public Sector Purchase orders accepted ::

Stock levels generally good with only a couple of products affected by component shortages

KVM Solutions

Whether you simply need a cheap KVM switch for your home office or you are building a large Data Centre and need an enterprise solution, we can help you.

Established in 1984 our clients include Banks, Broadcasters, Universities, NHS trusts, Local Councils and the Ministry of Defence. Recent projects include the provision of 12,300 ports of KVM over IP connectivity for the largest financial Data Centre in Europe
Guntermann & Drunck ControlCenter Digital

We are not tied to any manufacturer and stock probably the largest selection of KVM switches in Europe. Our qualified staff do not receive commission and can offer impartial advice on 01372 451345

5K KVM Matrix

  • Multi Gigabit Ethernet support
  • 4K/60 video over copper links.
  • 240Hz for HD video resolutions
  • Support for 5K video resolutions.
  • Multi-channel digital audio delivers a high quality immersive sound experience.
  • Backwards compatibility with existing INFINITY nodes

Power Distribution, Control and Monitoring

Remote Power Management

Per port power monitoring provides early warning of hardware failure and an understanding of energy usage. Today's products allow monitoring of power, temperature and humidity via IP using a web browser.

Power Distribution Units (PDU)

Remote access
Working from Home

We can assist with the challenges of working at home with BIOS level access to your office computer as well as desktop KVM switches and Docking Stations.

Remote access (KVM via IP)
Remotely accessible KVM Switches

Laptop Docking Stations
KVM Switches

Presentation Switches

Presentation switches

ATEN`s VP1421 supports up to 4096 x 2160@60Hz (4:4:4) and is part of a range of presentation solutions

HDMI Solutions

from a simple adapters to Modular 4K Ultra HD matrices

HDMI Matrices
HDMI Switches

HDMI Extenders
HDMI Splitters


HDMI / DVI / HDBT Modular Matrix

Cabinet Access and Control

Smartcard Access

Austin Hughes InfraSolution and SmartPDU products enable the enhancement of rack level security and equipment efficiency by using remote rack IP door access with swipe card control, temperature & humidity monitoring including integrated monitored and switched rack PDUs

Rack mounted LCD console drawers

Multi screen rack console  drawer

We have a large selection of rack console drawers from ADDER, ATEN and Austin Hughes including touch screen, multi screen, with or without integrated KVM switches, touchpad, trackball, and the following language keyboard options - EU, CH, DE, ES, FR, IT, NL, NO, RU, PT and US. The choice is too large to offer online, please email your requirements or use the online chat

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